Transport Solutions

Efficient transport solutions

Efficient transport solutions

We guarantee the efficiency and SLA compliance of our customers by offering complete cargo transport solutions that have a suitable fleet for each type of operation, combined with technology, sustainability, safety and a highly qualified team.

Constant investment in fleet acquisition and renewal, maintenance plan, scope and operational intelligence make our service agile in relation to availability and deadlines for all services.


Constant investment in fleet acquisition and renewal, maintenance plan, scope and operational intelligence make our service agile in relation to availability and deadlines for all services.

caminhao sustentavel

Sustainable Transportation

Our responsibility and commitment to the environment encourages us to develop strategies that contribute to reducing the impact of our activities, and for that, we offer sustainable logistics solutions.

Control Tower

The centralization of information for decision-making is supported by our integration and logistics management center. The indicators follow the monitoring of the cargo at all stages in an online and precise way, guaranteeing connectivity, traceability and visibility throughout the operation.

  • Asset distribution
  • Optimization and synergy
  • Loading and unloading time
  • Retentions
  • Routing
  • Vehicle transit time
  • Risk management
  • Occurrences and non-conformities
  • Document accuracy
  • Lead time and transit time follow up
caminhao double Deck

Double Deck Special Project

Double Deck
Special Project

The Double Deck equipment provides greater operational productivity, as the system allows loading up to 60 pallets in the trunk. The technology makes transport projects possible at a lower cost and contributes to reducing CO2 emissions by optimizing vehicles on the road.


In order to transport, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the cargo, the vehicle, the environment and the people involved in the operation. We have several processes, solutions, technologies and mechanisms so that everyone is safe from origin to destination.

  • RCTR-C and RCF DC cargo insurance
  • Environmental insurance
  • Hybrid Tracker (Satellite and GPRS)
  • Locator in semi trailer
  • Immobilizers on tractors
  • Telemetry
  • Electronic checklist
  • Fatigue câmera
  • Integrated supply solutions

Customized Total Sider Trailer Projects

Our special projects and equipment customization for each type of load are developed to generate operational gains such as optimization, safety, damage mitigation, loading, transport and unloading efficiency, as well as economic viability.

caminhao total Sider


Coletas e entregas urbanas

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 1759kg
Metro cúbico: 13m³
Posição de paletes: 4

Veículo TOCO

Coletas e entregas urbanas

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 5500kg
Metro cúbico: 30m³
Posição de paletes: 10

Veículo 3/4

Coletas e entregas urbanas

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 3500kg
Metro cúbico: 24m³
Posição de paletes: 10

Veículo Truck 3 Eixos

Operações de inbound, outbound e transferência

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 13000kg
Metro cúbico: 64m³
Posição de paletes: 20

Cavalo Mecânico 4x2 Carreta Baú 3 Eixos

Operações de inbound, outbound e transferência

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 26000kg
Metro cúbico: 107m³
Posição de paletes: 30

Cavalo Mecânico 6x2 Carreta Baú 3 Eixos

Operações de inbound, outbound e transferência

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 30000kg
Metro cúbico: 107m³
Posição de paletes: 30

Cavalo Mecânico 6x2 Carreta Baú Double-Deck

Operações de inbound, outbound e transferência

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido: 30000kg
Metro cúbico: 107m³
Posição de paletes: 60

Cavalo Mecânico 6x2 Carreta Total Sider 3 Eixos

Operações de inbound, outbound e transferência

Capacidade de carga

Peso líquido:


Metro cúbico:


Posição de paletes:


Vehicle Bi-train

Inbound, outbound, and transfer operations.

Cargo Capacity

Net weight: 34.000kg
Cubic meter: 178,08m³
Pallet position: 60


Urban pickups and deliveries

Cargo capacity

Net weight: 720kg
Cubic meters: 3,3m³
Pallets position: 1