
Full-featured solutions
in logistics

Full-featured solutions
in logistics

We operate in the manufacturing industry with specialized service for the B2B market, integrating solutions in transport, warehousing and logistics operations at each stage of the supply chain.

Activity segments



Produtos químicos

Chemical Products

Cosméticos e higiene pessoal

Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene




Logistics Operator

We offer 3PL (Third-party Logistics) logistics solutions, integrating and generating value at all stages of the supply chain.


  • Inventory control;
  • Storage;
  • Transportation Management.

We are experts in intralogistics, In House operations and outsourcing of specialized labor.

  • Receiving and shipping materials.
  • Supply of production lines.
  • Picking & Packing.

Cargo Transport

B2B service in transporting road cargo and equipment suitable for each type of operation.

  • Transfer.
  • Inbound.
  • Outbound.
  • Cross Docking.
  • Milk Run.
  • Just In Time.
  • Circuits.
  • Dedicated.
  • Import.
  • Export.
  • Dedicated distribution.

Talk to our Commercial team

We exclusively serve customers in the B2B format, that is, medium and large companies in the modalities and operations described above. We do not carry out transport for individuals.