On the Road
to a More
Susteinable World

On the Road
to a More
Susteinable World

We are signatories of the UN GLOBAL COMPACT and our actions are aimed at promoting a responsible environment through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are based on social, environmental and governance premises for a more just and developed society.

Social Responsibility

We build a more accessible, dignified and fair world for everyone by developing and supporting various causes and actions in the community through NGOs, Institutes, Clients, Partners and Collaborators. We believe that in this way we can promote equality and equity, collectivity, respect and unity at PIZZATTOLOG in the environment in which we operate.


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Social Programs

Concerned with social responsibility, we carry out several internal and external engagement actions that reinforce our commitment to this pillar of social relevance, within a collective benefit envisioning positive results for society.


Environmental responsibility

To ensure the future of the next generations, PIZZATTOLOG invests in sustainable actions with the aim of minimizing the impact on the environment.


One of the pillars on which our Environmental Policy is based is our commitment to the planet’s resources. In this way, we show how PIZZATTOLOG is engaged and committed to the pillars of ESG, seeking to implement actions that minimize the impact and affect the environment in some way at all stages of the logistics chain.

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Environmental Programs

We have actions aimed at caring for the environment that have a direct impact on the planet. Based on these guidelines, we are contributing to a better and greener world.

Economic Responsibility

With the development and dissemination of socio-environmental actions, we seek to comply with the functioning of governance management, actively contributing to the search for partners and suppliers that adopt good practices such as homologation rules, aiming at joint growth and ensuring business transparency.


Become a certified

Fill in the form to become a certified PIZZATTOLOG supplier.

Corporate Governance & ESG

ESG practices in our organization are not a trend – they are a reality as we consciously know they will impact our customers, suppliers and stakeholders. In this way, we have control over social, environmental and governance impacts in the face of a challenging market, mitigating risks and having an effective management system.

We are a SYSTEM B certified company, a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit, considering the impact of its decisions on its employees, customers, suppliers, community and the environment, seeking to be better for the world and not just the best in the world.