About Us

About us

Our mission is to provide complete logistics solutions offering services that meet the needs present at all stages of the supply chain.

We are driven by challenges, constantly seeking innovation and development, ensuring the trust, quality and satisfaction of our customers.

We have extensive operations with strategically located units, providing customized project services for all types of cargo transport operations and logistics operator.

Over four decades, we have evolved and expanded our service capacity, investing in training, structure, equipment and technology, delivering the highest levels of service quality.



Group 1824
icon visao
Group 1823

Simplify solutions to take care of what really matters.

Double the revenue and integrate our customer’s production chain

  • We are committed to goals and results
  • We honor commitments to customers.
  • We value our employees.
  • We work with social responsibility.
  • We operate sustainably.
  • We have a strong team spirit.
  • We communicate in a clear, accurate and timely manner.


Our management is focused on quality, sustainability and efficiency. For each of these pillars, there are certificates that attest to the degree of excellence of our services.

We are committed to the integrity of the services we provide and we consider Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Management (QHSE) a value in its processes.

For us, there is only quality or standard of excellence when there is a commitment to the integrity of its workforce, with environmental protection, concern and care for everyone’s health and safety and that its processes are developed within the universally known quality concepts.

To this end, we uphold the following principles:

Group 2208
Group 2209
Commitment to the customer
Group 2210
icon direito De Recusa
Right of Refusal
icon transparencia
Group 2211
Respect for Natural Resources
icon melhoria Continua
Continuous Improvement
icon gestao De Riscos
Risk Management
icon prevencao
element map
