Social programs

Social Programs

We perform several internal and external engagement actions because we are concerned with social responsibility. They reinforce our commitment to this pillar of social relevance, within a collective benefit envisioning positive results for society.


The main actions taken by PIZZATTOLOG are:

pascoa solidaria
Solidarity Easter

We collect donations and candies for children in needy communities, delivering them to local institutions. This action is included within the gamification between PIZZATTOLOG’s sectors.


Maio Amarelo
Yellow May

Care and attention in traffic is a duty of all of us and that’s why we carry out actions that raise awareness, guide and inform all employees, focusing on drivers.


na mao certa logo
In the Right Hands

We are signatories of the Na Mão Certa program (In the Right Hands), whose main objective is to promote a broad union of efforts to end the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian highways.


campanha de inverno
Winter Campaign

At our units located in regions with lower temperatures, our employees collect and donate blankets and warm clothing. This action is included within the gamification between the sectors of PIZZATTOLOG.


Dia das Crianças
Children's Day

Our employees participate in this action by donating toys and clothes to needy children from vulnerable areas. This action is included within the gamification between the sectors of PIZZATTOLOG.


outubro rosa
Pink October

This month we carry out internal and external actions to raise awareness and prevent breast and cervical cancer, promoting lectures and information to employees and the community.


novembro azul
Blue November

In addition to awareness and prevention of prostate cancer, we reinforce the importance of men’s health care, focusing on prevention, early diagnosis, healthy eating and practices.


dia da alimentacao
World Food Day

Internal campaign to collect donations, focusing on the fight against hunger, which are delivered in assistance to the needy community. This action is included within the gamification between the sectors of PIZZATTOLOG.


logo colo Colo
Colo Colo Sponsorship

We are official sponsors of Colo Colo, an amateur fut7 club and one of the biggest in Curitiba. Current champion Paranaense 2020, the club is known also for the social actions it carries out in its community, always worrying about the inclusion of the less fortunate.


logo acg
Gravatá Community Association

We promote the practice of sports by supporting the Gravatá Community Association, which has been operating for over 20 years in the Gravatá neighborhood in São Gonçalo dos Campos-BA, offering Karate, Capoeira, Football, Flute, private lessons and computer classes.


icon vez E Voz
Time & Voice

We support the Vez & Voz – Mulheres no TRC movement (Time & Voice – Women in TRC), an initiative by SETCESP to value women who work in the road freight sector, fostering their professional growth within the sector itself and attracting new talent to the TRC.


logo a voz delas
Her Voice

The movement, created by Mercedes Benz and supported by PIZZATTOLOG, seeks to raise society’s awareness of the importance of women in transport by promoting better conditions within the TRC


Rota Verde

Nosso Programa Rota Verde é uma operação fracionada que transforma a logística
em um vetor de sustentabilidade e inclusão. Conduzida por mulheres que dirigem veículos
elétricos na cidade de Curitiba e região, essa iniciativa entrega o sustento de várias famílias,
reafirmando nosso compromisso com a diversidade e inclusão.

Com zero emissão de CO2,
o impacto positivo para o planeta é significativo. Juntas, essas ações destacam nossa
dedicação em movimentar o mundo de maneira mais justa e sustentável.


Rota de Oportunidade

Reconhecemos o talento do nosso incrível time de motoristas! Com o Programa Rota
de Oportunidade, celebramos cada elogio recebido como prova do excelente trabalho que
realizamos juntos. Vamos incentivar nossos motoristas a coletarem elogios em cada
viagem, pois cada reconhecimento é um passo para novas conquistas.


Rota do Saber

Este programa de apoio educacional visa oferecer oportunidades de aprendizado
contínuo, capacitando nossos colaboradores com novas habilidades e conhecimentos.
Vamos proporcionar cursos e treinamentos, realizar pesquisas periódicas para medir a
satisfação e o aproveitamento dos cursos, compartilhando os resultados com os gestores, e
reafirmar nosso compromisso com o desenvolvimento contínuo e a excelência no ambiente
de trabalho.


Diversidade & Inclusão

Nossa campanha anual de Diversidade e Inclusão reafirma o compromisso em
valorizar e integrar a diversidade em nossa cultura organizacional. A diversidade no local de
trabalho vai além de raças e gêneros, reconhecendo diferentes perspectivas, experiências e
habilidades. Acreditamos que reunir pessoas diversas impulsiona a criatividade, inovação e
a resolução eficaz de problemas. Vamos juntos inspirar respeito!